Abaut us
- Owner: Dolinšek Marjan s.p., MD OPREMA, Izdelava čebelarske opreme
- Address: Gladež 27, Podlipovica, 1411 IZLAKE
- Wat number: 35892498
- Registration number: 3900584000
- TRR:
General Terms and Conditions
The general terms and conditions of the online shopping site ometalnik.si have been compiled in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot), the recommendations of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and international codes for e-commerce.
Availability of information (summary of legislation)
The provider undertakes to always provide the buyer with the following information:
a) company identity (name and registered office, register number),
b) contact addresses that enable fast and efficient communication (e-mail, telephone),
c) the essential characteristics of the goods or services (including sales services and guarantees),
d) availability of products (any product or service offered on the website should be available within a reasonable time),
e) conditions of delivery of the product or execution of the service (method, place and time of delivery),
f) all prices must be clearly and unambiguously set and must show clearly whether they already include taxes and transport costs,
g) method of payment and delivery,
h) time validity of the offer,
i) the period during which it is still possible to withdraw from the contract and the conditions for withdrawal; in addition, if and how much it costs the customer to return the product and,
j) the complaint procedure must be clarified, including all details of the contact person or customer service.
Offer of articles
Due to the nature of online business, the offer of the online store ometalnik.si changes and is updated frequently and quickly. Prices are presented as regular prices and occasionally also as special prices. Regular prices are the selling prices of products. A promotional price is the price that applies to the purchase of certain items. All prices in the online store ometalnik.si already include VAT. DDV.
Methods of payment
In the online shopping site ometalnik.si, the provider currently allows the following methods of payment:
- *payment by bank transfer
- *with cash on delivery
The bidder issues an invoice on a durable medium and attaches it to the shipment. The order is stored in electronic form on the provider's server ometalnik.si and sent to the buyer's e-mail.
Cene veljajo v trenutku oddaje naročila in nimajo v naprej določene veljavnosti.
Cene veljajo v primeru plačila z zgoraj navedenim načinom plačila, pod zgoraj navedenimi pogoji.
V primeru, da se cena artikla tekom obdelave naročila spremeni, bo ponudnik kupca o tem obvestil. Ponudnik bo po svojih najboljših močeh skušal v vsakem primeru kupcu zagotoviti nižjo ceno oz. ponuditi ustrezno rešitev, ki bo šla v obojestransko zadovoljstvo.
Purchase process
1. By choosing an item, the customer adds it to the cart, where he can adjust the quantity of ordered products accordingly. The default quantity is 1 piece. By confirming the shopping cart, the order page is moved to, where the ordering process continues after pre-registration and login. For all possible inaccuracies of the address, or. contact data and consequently errors arising from incorrect and inaccurate entry of personal data during registration, the provider of the online store ometalnik.si does not take responsibility.
2. After receiving the order (no later than within three days) ometalnik.si (hereinafter the provider), checks the availability and confirms the order or rejects the reason and notifies the customer via e-mail. The provider reserves the right to call the customer on his contact telephone number if necessary. The contract on the purchase of ordered items between the buyer and the provider is irrevocably concluded at this stage.
Right of withdrawal from the purchase, return of goods
The buyer has the right to return the purchased goods within eight (8) days without any compensation. However, the buyer is obliged to bear the costs incurred in returning the object of purchase. The buyer must notify the seller in writing of the intended return to dolinsek.marjan@gmail.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , no later than 3 days from receipt of the goods, and return the goods within a further 9 days. Products must be unused, undamaged and in the original packaging. A copy of the invoice must be attached. The provider returns the entire purchase price or. another item, no later than within 10 days of receipt of the returned goods.
The ordered goods, which are in stock, are delivered within 3-5 working days after receiving the order, except in case of force majeure. Due to the delay by the delivery contractor, the provider is not responsible.